Monday, April 24, 2017

Return to Tamale

A few months away found me a bit rusty getting back to working in our Tamale kitchen. Deciding to sauté a nice batch of onions Jim had purchased, I noticed that the contents of the frying pan seemed to be bubbling. Soon to discover I was frying my onions in dishwashing detergent instead of cooking oil.
The house is still standing strong aside from a new leak, broken cabinet doors and holes in the screens.
Distributing new outfits to Basma and Muslim then lunch with dear friends make up for a lot - even the 105 degree heat.
Honest Mistake
Home Sweet Home
Speaks For Itself
Muslim & Basma in New Outfits
Lunch With Jane and Barbara

1 comment:

John said...

Ha. Those onions would have tasted interesting.