Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Division of Labor

A little peek into Jim's office on the fifth floor of Tamale Teaching Hospital can't begin to reflect the amount of work he accomplishes each day. In addition to the actual practice of medicine with surgery in the theater and examinations in the clinic, numerous requests and tasks find their way to his desk - procuring supplies, overseeing instrument repairs, mentoring students, etc.

A look into the kitchen at our home in Tamale provides a small glimpse into a portion of my day. A morning trip to the market can result in an assortment of fruits, vegetables, eggs, bread, etc. which then awaits a bit of preparation before even being placed into the refrigerator for subsequent cooking. Produce needs to be washed clean - eggs included. More water to be boiled for drinking. Creative recipes to conjure up from whatever ingredients are available.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Return to Tamale from Tokyo

After a truly memorable stay in Japan, a beautiful country with gracious people, high technology, wonderful food, etc., Jim and I arrived back in Tamale following almost 23 hours in the air with four different flights - Tokyo to Hong Kong - Addis Ababa - Accra - Tamale - ready for a nice, refreshing shower. No such luck! With a few steps into the house, we were met with several blown fuses and NO WATER. Welcome home! The next couple of days involved water delivery, electrician, plumber and PATIENCE.
Offsetting the household inconveniences was a delicious Sunday lunch prepared by our Philippine friends, Catherine and Ely.