Friday, December 6, 2013

Thankful and Hopeful

Already looking forward to our return to Tamale, we are preparing to depart for the one-hour flight to Accra on Sunday where the week-long annual medical meeting of the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons is to take place. Tuesday, Jim is presenting a lecture on the Prevention of Aspiration of Foreign Bodies. He certainly has had plenty of experience surgically removing all sorts of small objects that patients - primarily young children - have swallowed (coins, groundnuts, etc.). At the end of the week - a flight to the US in order to be together with our family for Christmas.
Living with a number of inconveniences does not in any way diminish the absolute "PLUS" factor of life in Tamale. Sometimes I think I have to be outside of my usual comfort zone in order to better experience what I would otherwise be missing. I am very thankful for the special friendships that have grown here and am ever hopeful that one can find true happiness anywhere.