Thursday, October 27, 2016

More Reflections With Photos

As Jim departs for Ghana tonight, I travel to Tamale with him in thought as I get myself medically back on track here in the U.S. Hopefully, I will be able to join him before too long; meanwhile there is Skype, FaceTime, email, What's App - and photos.

Dr. Theo Adjeso and Dr. Mike Damah, both ENT Consultants who are now working at Tamale Teaching Hospital with Jim.

Jane, at her son's new restaurant, Oasis.

Mariama with her brother, Andrew, at the wonderfully welcome Oasis.

Veronica, expert at putting up a clean mosquito net each week.

Taking a selfie with Veronica while we struggle & laugh putting up the mosquito net.

Rebecca and Grace, faithfully working at Colwod.

Lunch at Oasis with Rahi, Musah, Basma & Muslim.

Mona with her husband and baby.

Basma posing in her pretty dress.

Newborn baby who made her arrival in this world just hours after her mom visited us.

Basma and Muslim modeling their new outfits from the U.S.

Farewell visit with Barbara before leaving Tamale.

One of fond memories of our many special experiences shared in Tamale.