Saturday, February 15, 2014

Setback and Forward Again

Unfortunately, after Jim returned to work for three days, he again felt unwell - extreme fatigue being the main factor. Thus, followed by additional blood tests, more rest and the help of IV antibiotics, he is now doing better.
Get well wishes from the Ear, Nose and Throat staff were much appreciated. The nurses came to the house bearing gifts of flowers, pineapples, bananas, grapes, apples and a variety of juices.
This coming week, a group from the West African College of Physicians and Surgeons plans to visit the hospital and Jim will be happy to start getting back into action collaborating on various cases with them.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Malaria Pays a Visit

There were a few rough days for Jim recently when he came down with malaria. In all the time he has spent in Ghana - both in the late 70s and in the last seven years - this was his first (and we hope the last!) personal experience of having the disease, himself. Fortunately, he seems to have responded well to the standard three-day course of medication and after being out of commission for about four days, he was back to work as usual. Let's hope any troublesome aftereffects or relapses will be non-existent.
Various people either stopped by or phoned to see how he was doing. Abdulai, our night watchman, presenting us with a guinea fowl he had just killed (to give Jim strength), and Alhaji, our landlord, along with another friend, praying to Allah at Jim's bedside are memories I will treasure.