Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Going and Coming

With just a few days remaining before I head back to the US for a while, I experience the usual mixed feelings. Looking forward to seeing family and friends while already thinking about not being here with Jim.
Dreaming up 101 ways to cook eggplant, cutting my saran wrap with scissors then salvaging every scrap to recycle, doggedly trying to regulate my oven so as not to burn the latest batch of cookies, crowding into a full taxi then holding my breath as the driver weaves in and out of traffic barely missing collisions with motorbikes and other miscellaneous vehicles, observing the electrician trying to correct the wiring in our house to prevent further mishaps.
Occasional swims at the Bigiza pool, cappucinos at Woodin's coffee house, pizza and a Star beer at Tacorabama's, Sunday group lunches at Gariba or SWAD, nourishing friendships, seeing and understanding the extraordinary things Jim does at the hospital.
As the Ghanaians say when leaving a place, but intending to return - "I'm going and coming."

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