Monday, September 19, 2016

A Week To Remember

Life in Tamale is filled with experiences quite different from those in the U.S. The relative inconvenience of sometimes doing without power or water is balanced by a true appreciation when these amenities are available.
A hospital stay here was one thing I have always specifically hoped to avoid, but this past week provided me with that adventure as well. An unexpected episode of atrial fibrillation landed me in the ICU. Fortunately, a cardiologist from Accra just happened to be visiting the hospital and he gave me excellent care. I lay next to a "Saint" for three days in the person of Dr. David Abdulai, a well known and loved physician in Tamale, founder of the Shekhina Clinic which cares for the destitute, and who is now fighting for his life. It was truly a humbling experience.

Triage at the Emergency Room with Jim in the background tending to a bleeding patient while I waited for test results.

My bed in ICU at Tamale Teaching Hospital.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Congratulations and best wishes to Andrew Alhassan on the highly anticipated opening of "Oasis" here in Tamale. Upon arrival, one immediately encounters a beautiful, large gazebo encircled by colorful tropical flowers and plants. We chose to have lunch outside at the gazebo, but choosing the interior of this elegant establishment is a delight as well with its tasteful decor of comfortable seating, cozy tables and well stocked bar. A perfect spot for both individuals and groups to meet, chat and enjoy delicious selections from a varied menu. Not far off the main Bolga Road and conveniently close to our home, I look forward to this unique and most welcome addition to Tamale.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Naming Ceremony

Early Saturday morning, we were invited to the "naming ceremony" for the baby boy recently born to Dr. Michael Damah and his wife, Joyce. Also referred to as an "outdooring," this special event welcomes the child into his family and introduces him to the outside world. Taking place at the home, a minister offered prayers and songs along with some words of wisdom. About 100 people were in attendance with several more expected to come and go during the remainder of the day. Food and drinks were in abundance, many enjoying the meal there, while others after expressing congratulations, left with their meals packed in the familiar white, foam containers.