Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weekend of Work and Play

Bill & Patricia Turner came over for dinner which managed to turn out well considering I had no functioning oven (still broken) or microwave (inadequate voltage) to heat the two casserole dishes I had prepared earlier in the day. Scooping out the contents and cooking it all in two frying pans on our stove-top burners did the trick.
Finally broke down and had the house cleaned on Saturday. Three maintenance workers from the hospital helped us to attack everything in sight. The two men, Shani and Shaibu, tackled jobs like the floors, windows and bathrooms while 23 year-old Amina, with her ten month-old daughter either wrapped tight on her back or amusing herself on the floor, scrubbed in the kitchen and elsewhere.
Sunday morning, Jim surprised me with breakfast in bed! Picture-perfect fried egg surrounded by three strips of bacon with toast & jam. Andy Norman had brought over some vacuum-packed Hormel microwavable bacon strips, some of which were left over since Andy returned to the US.
In the afternoon, the gals from COLWOD visited and while they were here, we were able to connect via SKYPE with Sr. Jacky in Kenya. They were all so excited to be able to see one another on the computer screen and get caught up with their news as it has been over two years since Jacky was transferred from Tamale to Nairobi.
Fr. Martin stopped by to greet us as well, then later in the evening, Jim and I were invited to a nice dinner at Archbishop Gregory's home. Gregory's completed autobiography (which I helped edit) is now in the process of being printed so we are looking forward to its publication.
All in all, a full weekend.

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