Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quiet Weekend

The three visiting GYN physicians traveled further north to the hospital in Nalerigu this past weekend in order to perform fistula repairs for women there.
Saturday morning, I met Jim in town after he finished seeing his patients and we did a few errands together - paid our broadband bill for the internet, picked up some items in the market, then stopped at the library. No dancing at any of the local night spots tonight, but we did speak with Jim, John, Beth and Stephen via Skype. Left-overs for supper and reading in bed under the mosquito net.
Like last Sunday, we again attended Mass at the small chapel on the hospital grounds since Jim wanted to check on his patients afterward. We also visited our friend, Dr. Bill Turner, in Intensive care as he is recovering from malaria; thankfully, he now seems to be doing much better. Ended the weekend going out for supper to a local place called "Mike's." By wearing long sleeves, long pants, socks, and spraying ourselves well, we were not bothered very much by mosquitos sitting at the outdoor tables.

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