Friday, August 3, 2007

Ghanaian humor & A Request

Greetings from Tamale!
Have enjoyed your responses to hearing from us although we haven't been able to access them all and that is why we have a request to ask. If you email us, please don't reply from the multiple email we sent notifying everyone of our blogs. That one takes forever to download (much like photos) as it is connected with a number of recipients. Thanks!
The Ghanaians enjoy laughing at themselves as you can see from the following story which was printed in one of the church bulletins when we were in Accra.
Ghana the Land of Our Birth - A man dies and goes to hell. There he finds that there is a different hell for each country. He decides to pick the least painful to spend his eternity. He goes to Germany first and asks, "What do they do here?"
ANSWER: "First they put you in an electric chair for six hours. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another six hours. Then the German devil comes in & whips you for the rest of the day. That is what will happen to you every day for eternity."...The man did not like the sound of that at all so he moves on. He checks out the USA hell, as well as Russia, UK, and many other countries. He finds out that it's the same everywhere. Then suddenly he sees that there is a very long line at Ghana. Amazed, he asks, "What do they do here?" And to his shock, he is told the same thing as in the other countries!! He was surprised and said, "But that is exactly the same as all the other hells. Why are so many people waiting to get in?" Answer: "Because there is never any electricity so the electric chair doesn't work. The nails were paid for but never supplied, so the bed is comfortable to sleep on. And even better, the Ghana devil used to be a civil servant, so he comes in late, signs his time sheet and goes back home to do his private business!!!" The man says "I LOVE GHANA!!!"


Mom said...

What a great story! I'll forward to Andrew to share with the seminarians, several of whom are from Africa.

Unknown said...

Mrs. Murphy,

My mom sent me the link to the blog. It sounds like such an adventure. I would love to come and visit! You are always welcome to visit me in Qatar if you need some pampering and luxury! My email is

Bon Chance!
