Thursday, July 19, 2007

First Week

Exciting to be on African soil for the first time! On Wed, July 11 we were met by a driver from The Good Shepherd Home where we stayed while in Accra. Spent one day at Korle Bu Hospital and have seen various sections of this capital city. First impressions of Ghana include a warm welcome, friendly people, the paved roads filled with cars & congested with traffic and most side roads unpaved, ensuring many interesting bumbpy rides. Local sights include a multitude of road-side stands selling everything imaginable, goats and chickens leisurely crossing where they please, and a mixture of both African and Western dress. Jim blends right in with his usual attire; I have a bit of work to do in getting rid of my subtle beige and olive greens to try instead the colorful Ghanaian prints and fabrics.
Arrangements for Jim's container to be transported up north seem to be in order so we departed for Tamale on Tues, July 17 after spending all day at the airport on Monday only to learn the flight was canceled. No complaints from me, however, as there was a heavy rain in Tamale & some wise person decided it would be best to wait until it subsided. Given the small 15 to 20 seat passenger plane we flew, I was very content to fly in the sun the next day.
We're now staying at the Archbishop's residence in Tamale which is wonderful. Jim is at the Teaching Hospital today and hopes to learn about the status of our own housing. More from the Northern Region soon.....


Mom said...

I can just picture Jim in colorful Ghanian shirts. Send us a photo, Cyndy, when you purchase your first skirt or maybe it'll be a dress that's worn there.

Judy Corbett Barker said...

Hi Cyndy and Jim,
Sounds like all is well. Glad you have the blog so I can keep up with you. Geoff is here in Newfoundland with me but he goes home Saturday. I leave here Sept 6th and go to NJ for 10 days with Mom.
Have a great day.